Web is mobile

December is usually good for predictions… Every specialist on the web will try to make up, or at least relay, trends for the next decade and they usually agree on most of the points!

On ReadWriteWeb, Sarah Perez comments recent predictions made by analyst firm IDC about the future of web usage… Well, these predictions are just in line with what has been written last two or three years… Web is going to be essentially mobile (more than 1 billion users by 2010)! That means more and more content producers will have to manage information on a smaller screen and stick to the point (KISS principle… if you forgot about it). I guess the 140 characters twitter format is not dead :-).

While IDC may not predicting the death of the PC, it does believe that in 2010 mobile devices will eclipse PCs in several areas – or at least come very close. For example, the firm claims we’ll see more than a billion mobile devices connected to the web by year-end. That’s almost as many mobile devices as internet-connected PCs, the latter which will total 1.3 billion. Also, the growth rate of mobile devices is 2.5 times that of PCs.

Then, trends towards mobile web already strongly observed in Asia and developping countries will probably generalize as they are « surfing » on Apple-like smartphones… and waiting for the next generation of iPad…

So is it the end of the web as web know it? Are we going to surf through multiple iPhone or Android applications instead of classical html/php/javacript… pages? How many devices will be able to connect to the web that way? Who will win the smartphone OS war to impose new standards?

I’m looking forward to seeing all this happen… Maybe this is web 3.0 happening on smaller screens!?

>> more about this :

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